These are candidates who are looking for work now and have passed our preliminary screening and reference checking process....Give us a call on 07 870 4901 or 03 366 0009 and we'll help you make the final assessment to see if they are suitable for your role.

Ambitious & Driven Farming Professional - Waikato

With both on-farm and corporate management experience, this candidate is looking to forge a professional career in the dairy industry.  Intelligent, motivated and resilient is how we would describe this candidate.  

He's now looking for a leadership role (on or off farm) that will utilise the best of his current skills and hone them either further.  

He's clear on his goals, clear on his gaps and looking to grow - if you want to know more, give us a call.

Large Herd Farm Manager or Operations Manager

  • "Top operator, good guy, great candidate"
  • "A really intelligent guy.  Top cows & grass skills, can manage staff, run the books, good at just making things happen"
  • "He's got great initiative and he uses it well"

Just a few of the referee comments about this excellent candidate.  Location doesn't matter to him, he's just looking for the right move.  He's well experienced at managing 1000+ cows, and is looking for a new challenge in farm management, be that multi-farm management or a step up into Operations Management.  

Large Scale 5050 Sharemilker - Canterbury

This candidate ticks so many boxes - driven, motivated, 10 yrs experience across a range of farming systems and sizes, Bachelor of AgSci, finance available and referees who are fully supportive of him taking the step into sharemilking.  He’s now on the look out of a 5050 role in Canterbury region, on a 1000 - 1200 cow farm.

Interested?  We thought you would be! Give us a bell if you want to know more.

Farm Manager - Canterbury

This ambitious young farmer is a highly performing 2IC and he’s well and truly ready to take the step into management.  His ideal is a Farm Manager role that has the potential to turn into a Contract Milker arrangement once he’s ‘proved himself’.  He has a wide range of experience on a number of farms, and various industry qualifications and certificates.  With excellent pasture management and animal husbandry skills, a focus on getting things done right, and the desire to learn and grow, this quick learner is a great asset to the industry and an all round good guy.

Stock Manager Looking to Step Up - Drystock

This candidate started out his career as an electrician, but having been brought up on a farm, he changed careers five years ago and has worked on sheep and cattle farms in New Zealand and Australia since then.  

He is very driven and ambitious, and his referees tell us he is motivated to succeed!  

He is now looking for an opportunity to 'step up' from his current Stock Manager role into the full responsibility for Farm Management for the first time.

50/50 Sharemilker – Cambridge Area - Finance up to 450 Cows

After four years of successful Contract Milking (up to 650 Cows) this experienced couple are ready to be 50/50 Sharemilkers.  They are looking for progressive Farm Owners to work alongside to continue their farming career.  Dedicated to both high levels of production through pasture management and animal welfare their ideal farm is a mid-high input System with a good level of infrastructure, technology, and good quality housing.  

These are top business operators and know how to employ the right staff and keep costs down.