Prioritising Wellbeing in September

With spring upon us we want to be among the first to acknowledge the opportunity that spring brings for new views, ways of working, and new approaches.  And with Mental Health Awareness week from 23-29 September it’s a great time to do a personal ‘Warrant of Fitness’ and encourage your team to as well. 

A simple way to do this is to get your team to identify whether they are Happy, OK or Unhappy with this part of their life right now.  This can open up all sorts of conversations and the aim is for everyone in the team to identify one thing they can do to shift something from the Unhappy or OK column to Happy, and one thing you can do as an employer to help them. 

How Happy are you with these areas in your life? 

We’d encourage you to think about these things in terms of how happy you are with these things, not in terms of the amount of time you have.  Everyone is different around their priorities and what they choose to do with your time, rather, think about how happy you are with this aspect of your life:

The objective of the exercise is to identify one thing you can do to shift something from the Unhappy or OK column to Happy! And one thing you (the employer) can do to help them achieve this.

Leadership means you consider everyone in your team, including yourself, and make sure that everyone is fit for work every day.  What better way to say you care than to give them the time to consider and reflect on how they’re doing and identify one thing they could do that would make them feel better.  The research is clear, the better people are feeling (mentally and physically) the better they are able to show up for the business and their colleagues at work.