What’s making our phone ring?

As reflect on what we’re hearing and seeing come into the business over the past month, it prompts the question: are we getting too stressed? 

 With the calls that have come in recently, we are working through  much larger than usual volumes of Employment Relations issues.  These are the polite words we often use to describe disputes in the workplace…from illness and injury to performance and disciplinary there seems to be a lot going on and we’re wondering why.

 Could it be that the dairy industry is facing a period of ‘battening down the hatches’ with high costs, high interest rates, and increased compliance pressures and issues are now arising?; could it be that employees have suddenly decided to behave differently?; could it be that employers have suddenly decided to change their approach?  Whatever it is, if you find yourself in these situations it is important to get help.

 Our top tips for handing these situations successfully are:

  • Not getting emotionally embroiled in the issues

  • Stay in an adult communication style (as opposed to sounding like a parent or child)

  • Make sure you follow a fair process

  • Ask for guidance and support early

 Nobody enjoys these situations, neither employee or employer….and getting through them well is fundamental to the good health of your business. 

If you find yourself facing an employment relations situation some useful tips are available at https://www.employment.govt.nz/resolving-problems/ or by all means phone us for a no-obligation discussion about how we can help.