Are You Ready?

The year is flying, the first quarter almost done, and as always - minimum wage is going up on the 1st April. As an employer you will need to make sure that if you have staff currently earning theRead more

Managing High Performers

We’ve recently had a business leader come to us stunned by the unexpected resignation of a high performing team member. “We didn’t see it coming, he has been with us for three years; he does anRead more

Are Your Ducks Lined Up?

If you’re in the process of recruiting new team members for next season, as well as making sure you’re going through a good recruitment process (are you selling your role well? are you attractingRead more

Prioritising Wellbeing in September

With spring upon us we want to be among the first to acknowledge the opportunity that spring brings for new views, ways of working, and new approaches.  And with Mental Health Awareness week fromRead more

2024 Industry Winners

Something special happens between March and August for agribusinesses in New Zealand….and no, we’re not talking about kiwifruit harvest,  calving, lambing…we’re talking about the off-farmRead more

Four Essential Qualities of Great Teams

There are no great leaders without great teams…..and teams look and feel different now to ever before. The weekend of 8th June was a BIG one in the gaming world.  Destiny2 – The Final ShapeRead more

AEWV - Immigration NZ Audits

Over the past few months we have worked closely with two separate clients who are Accredited Employers, and who were both randomly selected by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) for post-accreditationRead more

The Importance of Composure

We regularly talk to employers after they have received a resignation and see high levels of emotions at play, generally one or more of: extreme relief, because the exiting team member was a problemRead more

Recruitment in our sector: let's get creative

If the food and fibre sector in NZ is to thrive we need to find good quality labour; we know this continues to be a challenge – not just for our sector, but for all sectors – so to do this weRead more

What's making our phone ring?

We’re working with several clients at the moment in the performance review and personal development planning space.  We’ve had a number of them comment to us that they struggle with separatingRead more

What’s making our phone ring?

As reflect on what we’re hearing and seeing come into the business over the past month, it prompts the question: are we getting too stressed?   With the calls that have come in recently, we areRead more

What's making our phone ring?

This is my favourite article in this series so far, because over the past month we have had a number of calls from people wanting to grow and develop their people, so they’ve been calling on us toRead more


Contact us

Phone us on 07 870 4901 or 021 477 121 or send us a message.

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